Through the rear view mirror

 Life is a constant state of flux. We depart on journeys but what we see through the rear view mirror is as important as what we see ahead of us.

I am now at a stage of life in which my future is going to be far shorter than my past.

My recent surgery has a morbidity rate of 5 years and additionally my next birthday will register that I have lived for 77 years so clearly I am entering an end time.

Which poses two possible responses:

As birthday greetings in Italian observe 'Buon Compleanno' in effect congratulations on completing another year.

But also the question how do I spend the time I have left most effectively?

It is that question that I will seek to address in this Blog whilst keeping an eye on my rear view mirror.

Another question that arises is: Priest or Poet?

Given the changing nature of the church and the laicisation of both governance and worship my suspicion is that the church has little use for priests any longer, we can manage without you thank you very much, a view supported by the hierarchy of the church which appears to see the future in terms of 10,000 new churches meeting in peoples living rooms and led by the householder.

Stories of dramatic change have emerged from Winchester, where confidence in the Bishop's leadership was called into question and the Archbishop of York's previous diocese where 'underperforming' clergy were dispensed with.

It was reported to me from a reliable source, that an Archdeacon in one diocese observed, you can do what you like as long as it doesn't cost us any money.

And, from the Sheldon Hub, increasing evidence of Clergy being let 'go' on a variety of spurious grounds and literally being paid to leave.

So maybe Priest is not a way forward, although a caveat here, is the warmth and real privilege of ministering in the Diocese of Europe which I hope that I can continue to do. 

In my rear view mirror there are many good memories of people and places in Norway, France, Italy (especially Italy) and Spain.

So poetry?

I have never been so pleased as when I held in my hand my first book of poems published by Xlibris and made available on Amazon as 'print on demand'.

My current view is that I am happier writing my  poems and sharing them immediately on Facebook I receive a huge sense of affirmation by the comments and the likes I receive as I seek to share my work, whether it is poetry arising out of concerns regarding the war in Ukraine or whether is is poetry arising out of my journey of belief.

So this new 'Blog' title will serve to allow me to reflect on the past and plan for the future and to make the best possible use of the time left to me.

I welcome you as you accompany me on the journey.


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