I’m a Union Man: 1973: The Strawbs
Unions are important. A marriage is a Union. A friend of mine calls his band Hadrian’s Union because he was born at one end of Hadrian’s Wall and now lives at the other end and the band members come from various towns along the wall. Unions are important as I discovered when I was in dispute with an employer, with the support from the Union I was able to defend myself, reject some of what had been falsely claimed and leave with my dignity intact and all the false allegations dismissed. In the light of this inadequate and failing Government it is clear that, as shareholders, business leaders and bankers are unfairly rewarded, the people who create the wealth that the employers share amongst themselves are being punished by pay rises far below the rate of inflation amidst calls for ‘pay restraint’ from the same shareholders, business leaders and bankers. The Chancellor of the Exchequer appears to be completely out of ideas as to how inflation can be managed and the associated cost o...